Avian Guests
I am also quite knowledgeable about pet birds, having owned Budgies, Cockatiels and Hens for years, before moving to owning rabbits.
We do also look after birds when owners are on holidays. We do not have any cages here to board birds without their own cages, but should you be able to transport your own cage, we would be happy to look after your bird here.
See price list for current prices.
As we are predominantly a rabbit and small animal boarder please be aware birds will not get any flight time due to risk of escape. Please make sure you cage is fully clean and secure.
Bird guests will not get flight time

Bird Check list
You can use the Holiday check list as this is a good list for all pets who are staying with us.The the main ones to remember are below:
Cage - Please bring your cage that the bird normally live in.
Food - Enough for their stay
Grit - Enough for their stay
Medication and dosage information - if any
Sand Sheets/sand - if used
Toy and treats
Water bottles.
All other items they use daily.
Birds will not get flight time

Types of Birds - Boarding
If you can bring the cage, we can take the bird.
As long as you can transport your birds usual cage, we have the space to house the cage and bird here in the kitchen or spare room.
Small birds are easier but if you have a large bird and can still transport the cage to us we will be happy to look after your bird/s no matter the size.
Birds will not get flight time

Important Information
Please see the Boarding page as most of the information there will still apply as well as the full terms and conditions.
I have owned chickens for years too and I am very Hen savvy.